showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_upwardtagsdescription
Mortal Kombat 3  Acclaim Entertainment (Sculptured Software)1995 1on1fighting consoleclassix digitizedimages gore graphicdeaths mortalkombat psychicpowers splatter xband Mortal Kombat 3 adds new fighters, 3D-rendered backgrounds, combo moves, a "run" feature, both horizontal and vertical scrolling fields, a CD-soundtrack, and finally multiplayer network support over the core features of the previous Mortal Kombat games.***[media=youtube]xNu_15Hn95Q[/media]***
Warlock Acclaim;Realtime;Trimark (Realtime Associates)1995 consoleclassix falldamage magic movie mysticprotagonist mystics sorcery splatter labelimageminimize
Mortal Kombat II  Acclaim (Sculptured Software)1994 1on1fighting consoleclassix digitizedimages gore graphicdeaths lutris mortalkombat psychicpowers rating-elspa-15 splatter xband
[27]***From the European game box :

[i]All the fierce Kombattants of the #1 arcade smash gather for Mortal Kombat® II. All yours to Kommand. Brutal moves, friendships, Babalities, hidden surprises, crushing combos, and outrageous finishing moves. Let the Kombat Kontinue...[/i]